The desire to possess an automobile is shared by everybody. Nevertheless, your financial situation may prevent you from purchasing your automobile. It is not always necessary to spend more money to acquire an automobile. The used automobile market is increasing at a 10% annual pace and is anticipated to expand at a 23% annual rate by 2025. People are interested in buying pre-owned/used automobiles for a variety of reasons, including reduced depreciation costs, simple paperwork, inexpensive insurance rates, and low sales taxes. So, read on to discover the greatest used automobile brands in India.
- Wagon R by Maruti Suzuki:
A well-liked hatchback vehicle in India to purchase secondhand is the Maruti Suzuki Wagon R. It became India’s best-selling car of the month in March 2022 after breaking the previous sales record with 24,634 units sold. This automobile is easily accessible on the secondhand car market despite its widespread appeal. At the moment, the automobile is available in four versions: VXi, LXi, ZXi, and ZXi.
- Swift Maruti Suzuki:
It has been 17 years since the Maruti Suzuki Swift first appeared in India. The automobile has captured many hearts since its debut in May 2005. Three times, Maruti Suzuki Swift has taken home the award for “Indian Car of the Year.” This automobile is offered in four distinct models and nine different colours for the 2021 model year.
- Innova Toyota:
Toyota Innova is the unchallenged leader in the MPV class because of its unrivalled performance, flawless durability, excellent driving experience, steady engine, and cheap maintenance cost. For those who value great mileage, decent visibility on the road, and a potent engine for both highway and city driving, choose a pre-owned Toyota Innova. Toyota Innovas of all eras may be excellent used vehicle investments.
- Hyundai Elite i20
In India, the Hyundai Elite i20 has consistently ranked as the top-selling premium hatchback, especially among first-time purchasers from younger generations. Alloy wheels, LED or HID lighting, and cutting-edge safety systems are just a few of the luxurious and aesthetically stunning amenities that the Elite i20 is equipped with. Opt for the newest model when purchasing a used Hyundai Elite i20; stay away from the earlier models.
- Honda City:
For years, the Honda City has dominated the C-segment market thanks to attributes including a suitable engine, good power, refinement, and dependability. Additionally, in the used automobile market, the performance sedan is performing well. Honda City delivers superb fuel efficiency and perfect harmony between comfort and performance. Look for the most recent model of the Honda City that is inexpensively and simply accessible on the market when purchasing a used Honda City.
- Hyundai Verna:
The Hyundai Verna entices used vehicle shoppers with its modern amenities, comfort, eye-catching design, and performance. It provides outstanding power and torque for driving on highways and crowded metropolitan streets. The first-generation Hyundai Verna vehicle should not be purchased since it is out of date. The second-generation model of the Hyundai Verna is well-known on the secondhand market since it offers all the premium features of a brand-new Verna at a reduced cost.
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